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Productboard AI 2.0 has arrived!

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Introducing the next generation of AI for product management

With today’s launch of Productboard AI 2.0, featuring new fully-automated feedback categorization, true continuous product discovery is finally within reach. Now you can build what customers really need, increase product manager productivity, and ship even faster with the next generation of AI for product teams, fully integrated into your product

Winston Blick

Hubert Palan

5 key takeaways from 1400+ product managers and leaders

The 2022 Product Excellence Report contains insights from 1400+ product managers and leaders


Productboard Editorial

New video series: “The Dangerous Animals of Product Management”

We excited to announce The Dangerous Animals of Product Management, a new video series by Productboard about challenging stakeholders you may come across in your day-to-day product management process.

Dottie Schrock

Dottie Schrock

10 Essential Product Management Skills You Need for Success

10 essential product management skills can be broken into five “soft” skills and five “hard” skills. Product management “soft” skills underpin what makes a good product manager, while the “hard” product management skills help drive each phase within the product management lifecycle.

Soft Skills: Communication, empathy, leadership, adaptability, and organization
Hard Skills: Conducting interviews, prioritizing ruthlessly, experimenting with prototypes, analyzing and interpreting data, and leveraging AI tools



Who Owns the Product Backlog? A Comprehensive Guide 

In an Agile team, the product owner maintains the product backlog. Their responsibilities include defining user stories, prioritizing backlog items, and aligning the backlog with stakeholder needs and business objectives. The product owner serves as the bridge between stakeholders and the development team, ensuring alignment among all parties and clear communication of the product vision.

Danielle Belanger

Productboard Editorial

How to Craft an Effective Enterprise Product Strategy

A product strategy is a high-level plan for keeping your team aligned and working on the right things. It is a crucial artifact for any product-led organization.

When it comes to an enterprise product strategy, the stakes are even higher. Here, product managers are dealing with multiple product lines, a complex network of stakeholders, and customer personas with various needs. However, by weaving the principles of a strong product strategy with the specific challenges and opportunities of the enterprise domain, product teams can set themselves up for success.

Danielle Belanger

Productboard Editorial

Product Portfolio Management 101

Product portfolio management is a strategic approach employed by businesses to oversee and optimize their collection of products and services—known as their product portfolio. It involves evaluating and prioritizing the allocation of resources across various products to ensure alignment with organizational goals, market demands, and profitability objectives. Through this process, companies can make informed decisions regarding which products to develop, maintain, or retire, thus maximizing the overall product portfolio value and enhancing competitiveness in the market.

Danielle Belanger

Productboard Editorial

Tips & Strategies for Mastering Agile Product Management

Agile product management is a methodology that applies agile principles to product development, focusing on iterative building, continuous feedback, and rapid adaptation to change.

Danielle Belanger

Productboard Editorial

Unlocking Sustained Success Through Continuous Product Discovery

Continuous product discovery emphasizes ongoing exploration, learning, and adaptation to meet the evolving needs of users and the market, even after your product launches. 

Danielle Belanger

Productboard Editorial

Best Practices for Better Product Feature Prioritization 

Why is product feature prioritization necessary? Because the reality of building products is that you simply can’t do everything. There are many different ways to prioritize, but, at the end of the day, the goal is to eliminate wasteful practices and deliver customer value in the quickest possible way, given a variety of constraints.

Danielle Belanger

Productboard Editorial

Essential Product Discovery Questions for Impactful Product Development

Crafting effective product discovery questions requires clarity, specificity, and an unbiased approach to avoid leading respondents to a particular answer. By designing questions that resonate with your target audience, you can elicit meaningful and actionable insights.

Danielle Belanger

Productboard Editorial

5 Best Practices for Optimizing Your Product Management Workflow 

To improve product management workflows:
1. Center your product management workflow around customers
2. Establish unified criteria for better product prioritization
3. Streamline communication and collaboration across the organization
4. Effectively leverage automation and tools
5. Regularly evaluate and iterate on your product management workflow 

Danielle Belanger

Productboard Editorial

Product-Led Growth Strategy: Practical Implementation

Product-Led Growth (PLG) centers on the idea that the product itself is the main vehicle for customer acquisition, retention, and expansion.

Danielle Belanger

Productboard Editorial

Top Product Discovery Techniques

Product discovery techniques are used by product teams to understand user needs, market demands, and technological feasibility before building a product. These techniques can include user interviews, surveys, market research, prototyping, and usability testing, among others. They are crucial in the product development process because they enable teams to gather

Danielle Belanger

Productboard Editorial